This Fundamentalist Is Fighting "Woke Indoctrination"
TW: Transphobia, Right-Wing Rhetoric, Sexual Abuse
Bob Jones University (BJU) has recently announced Dr. Joshua Crockett as its sixth president, marking another chapter in the institution's storied history. However, the language and sentiments expressed by Dr. Crockett during his interview on WYFF News 4 Greenville suggest a continuation of controversial stances that the university has been criticized for in the past.
You can watch the interview HERE, but here’s a quote from the interview.
“A primary target is seeing enrollment can continue to increase and also to just focus on continuing the mission of being a school with a world-class education without woke indoctrination. . . Scripture is clear what we're to look like as Christians. . . What we're to believe about our bodies, about gender. And so, we want young people who come here to not have to be pressured to take puberty blockers to conform to maybe the trans agenda.” - Joshua Crockett on WYFF News 4 Greenville
Dr. Crockett's rhetoric starkly contrasts with progressive educational philosophies. He emphasizes a rejection of what he terms "woke indoctrination" and vehemently opposes liberal approaches to gender identity, ridiculing the very notion of puberty blockers as part of a "trans agenda." This language not only alienates individuals and groups advocating for more inclusive policies but also signals an enduring adherence to highly authoritarian conservative values that have historically framed BJU's policies and educational practices.
Moreover, Dr. Crockett’s discourse reveals a classic 'us vs. them' mentality, often employed by groups with rigid ideological stances (cults). He simplifies liberals to a single, distorted concept. The word "Woke" has been weaponized into a thought-terminating cliché utilized by the right. Once the extreme Right uses this term, critical thinking towards that individual ceases. They are instantly perceived as dangerous, along with their ideas, sparking a need to combat this "evil person." It becomes a battle between good (the Right) and evil (the 'woke' Left). He also misrepresents the Left, suggesting that people are being forced into taking puberty blockers, which is not the case. He fuels fears about a supposed harmful agenda by the Left and presents BJU as a safe haven from these perceived "evils." By inciting fear and then offering a solution, he manipulates his audience.
He positions BJU as a bastion against the perceived moral and societal decay represented by liberal values, using fear-mongering tactics about the dangers of a “liberal agenda.” This is a common narrative technique used to strengthen in-group cohesion by demonizing the out-group, often at the cost of nuanced dialogue and mutual understanding.
I don’t think anyone should be forced or coerced to do anything, but the Bob Jones system is built on coercion. So lets talk about the things BJU has forced people to do. The university’s troubled history with handling serious issues such as sexual abuse and the treatment of its staff and students raises significant concerns that extend beyond mere ideological differences. Allegations have surfaced over the years detailing how BJU has forced women to undergo childbirth in Barge Hospital without adequate pain medication, deceived staff into accepting below-poverty wages without promised retirement, and mishandled sexual abuse claims—preferring victims’ silence over justice. BJU also has a snitching culture to keep all its rules enforced.
The authoritarian control BJU exercises over its community can also be seen in its punitive measures against those who dissent or deviate from the norm. Such a culture not only stifles freedom of expression and thought but also perpetuates a system where abuse and malpractice go unchecked.
The podcasts "Surviving BJU" and “Beyond BJU” provide platforms for BJU survivors who have been suppressed, coerced, abused, and indoctrinated. You see, we have the receipts of indoctrination, abuse, and control so please share the proof you have of “woke indoctrination.” I am aware that any group, ideology, political movement, etc. can turn into something dangerous when led by the wrong people, but we need to allow the gray and the discussion. Indoctrination involves imposing a single viewpoint and suppressing all others, whereas education encourages the open exploration of all perspectives without manipulating the narrative. BJU has always seen itself as having The Truth, and there’s no other valid perspective. They are a system of indoctrination.
As Dr. Crockett takes the helm, it is crucial for observers and stakeholders to remain vigilant about the preservation of fundamental human rights and the promotion of a more open and accepting educational environment. For many, BJU’s direction under its new leadership seems like a reinforcement of its past, and this is not a good thing. We need to go forward, not backward.
Listen to my episode on Beyond BJU about Joshua Crockett’s background.
*This article has AI-generated content with human editing